Art & Architecture  in  Italy  during  Fascism

" Lui se ne va. La cultura resta.

He goes away , culture remains"

Vittorio Sgarbi


and  if you are curious




This site is not a "fascist" site , but speaks of the fascist period and can be called a "fascioteca".
It's a collection of photographic documents, demonstrating that during the "Fascism"
the Italians, led by the Head of Government S.E. Benito Mussolini, managed  to achieve the second Italian Renaissance.
There are offered  various aspects of Art: Architecture, Painting and Sculpture, in the period 1922-1944.
The best among the Artists, Architects and Engineers have enriched Italy of countless works of art and made Italian towns more beautiful and modern.
The excellences, in the literary and artistic,  in the social and cultural achievements, have made at that time a country  leader  in the world.
The Italians were able to prove their  worth  if  well guided and well  motivated.

We are not better  than  others, but few can give us lessons.




100 photos  just to give you an idea of this site.




General  alphabetical  list  of  locations.
General  list  of  Artists
General  list  of  Architects  and  Engineers
 Sculptors  List
Painters  List

List of dams and power plants.

List  of  irrigation  channels  and  of  dewaterings.

List of localities with shameful situations.




List of  famous Italians in the: culture, science,sport, ...

Books, magazines and newspapers.

Presentation of the site

Photo of: soldiers, women, fascists, artists, etc.

S.E. Benito Mussolini, photos and news.

Phrases & concepts on Fascism.

Stamps, Postmarks, etc.


New  pages  added
Notice board

Our  movies  on  Youtube


We suggest watching videos YouTube we uploaded.



This site is open to collaboration with all those who are concerned to ensure that Fascism is finally a purely cultural issue.
The photos, digital and sent via e-mail, that you will send will be most welcome and always in your property.


Informations and contacts:



I suggest a visit to the pages "flickr" and "you tube" by Gianni Porcellini, in addition to the Fascismo's photos, there are many interesting photos and movies to see.




The site is part of the Association:  " Pro Arte Patriae "